

Jumat, 29 November 2013

Push button changed jumper wires

Push button can be changed with two jumper wires. Physical form of push button is:

Part is pressed is part is marked with red circle:

That part which function as button, in which if the button is pressed then part 1-2 will be connected with part 3-4, so that possible if this push button is changed with 2 jumper wires, in which if both of jumper wires are connected, it have same meaning with press push button, and if both of jumper wires are disconnected, it have same meaning with unpress/release push button

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Push button diganti 2 kabel jumper

Tombol tekan (push button) dapat diganti dengan 2 buah kabel jumper. Bentuk fisik push button adalah:

Bagian yang ditekan adalah bagian yang diberi lingkaran merah berikut:

Bagian itu lah yang berfungsi sebagai tombol, dimana jika tombol itu ditekan maka bagian 1-2 akan terhubung dengan bagian 3-4, sehingga bisa saja jika push button ini kita ganti dengan 2 buah kabel jumper, dimana jika kedua kabel jumper tersebut dihubungkan, itu sama artinya dengan menekan push button, dan jika kedua kabel jumper tersebut tidak dihubungkan, itu sama artinya dengan melepaskan tombol push button.

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Minggu, 10 November 2013

Opening Turbo Pascal Windows 7 64 bit

Turbo Pascal can not be opened on Windows 7 64-bit? One time sahabat tried to open Turbo Pascal program on Windows 7 64-bit, shown message below:

"The version of this file is not compatible with the version of Windows you're running. Check your computer's system information to see whether you need an x86 (32-bit) or x64 (64-bit) version of the program, and then contact the software publisher.

How to solve it?
Eg we place Turbo Pascal file folder in Local Disk C. Eg name of the folder is TP. Ways to open Turbo Pascal program on Windows 7 64-bit as follows:

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Cara Membuka Turbo Pascal di Windows 7 64 bit

Turbo Pascal tidak bisa dibuka di Windows 7 64-bit? Suatu waktu sahabat mencoba untuk membuka program Turbo Pascal di Windows 7 64-bit, muncul pesan sebagai berikut:

"The version of this file is not compatible with the version of Windows you're running. Check your computer's system information to see whether you need an x86 (32-bit) or x64 (64-bit) version of the program, and then contact the software publisher.

Bagaimana solusinya?
Misalkan kita menaruh folder file Turbo Pascal di Local DIsk C. Misalkan nama foldernya adalah TP. Cara membuka program Turbo Pascal di Windows 7 64-bit adalah sebagai berikut:

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Minggu, 03 November 2013

Download DOSBox version 0.74 Software

DOSBox adalah is a software in which one of its using is for opening Turbo Pascal 7 program in Windows 7. For friends, younger brother/sister, older brother/sister who nedd itu can download it here

Hopefully useful.. :)


Daftar Isi

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Buku tamu untuk sahabat


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