

Selasa, 22 Desember 2009

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Sabtu, 28 November 2009

Prime Number Examination

Now will be to make a number examination program to know is the number included prime number or no. We know that prime number are numbers which remain is not zero if divided by number except 1 and its self. The prime number are 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, ...

A number examination algorithm, is a number constitute prime number or no. The algorithm is as follows.
  1. Suppose that number will be entered is a, then we will examine is a constitute prime number or no. The final answer is a constitute prime number or a is not constitute prime number. Beginning thought is certain the number will be entered fulfill one of three conditions below, that is:
     a is smaller than 2 (a < 2 )
     a is 2 (a = 2)
     a is larger 2 (a > 2)
    Cause we know that prime number begin from 2, then certain all numbers are smaller than 2 are not prime number and 2 is the first prime number, until which need to next examine only numbers are larger than 2, then can make the beginning algorithm as follow.

  2. If a > 2, 2. If a > 2, then we will examine is there number from 2, 3, ..., a-1 which constitute factor of a, if found one or more between 2, 3, ..., a-1 which constitute factor of a then a is not prime number. We consider the number contitute factor of a with b, where b = 2, 3, ..., a-1, and b is said factor of a if and only if a mod b = 0. So, we need to examine as many (a-2) number, then the algorithm be:

If the algorithm above we pour into Pascal programming Leanguage, then will be could sintax like below:

uses crt;
var a,b:longint; j:char;
begin clrscr;
write('input a number which equals or larger than 2 : '); readln(a);
if a<2 then
writeln('Sorry, the number has entered is not suitable with program message,');
writeln('then has certain ',a,' is not prime number');
if a=2 then writeln('2 constitute prime number');
for b:=2 to a-1 do
if a mod b = 0 then
writeln(a,' is not prime number'); b:=a-1;
end else
if b=a-1 then writeln(a,' constitute prime number');

For friends who want the pascal file of this algorithm or file which has extention .pas can donwload it here, so don’t need rewrite in Turbo Pascal again , hehe ^_^

The result of prime number examination which use Turbo Pascal Programming Leanguage is a application or file .exe which can be downloaded here

The .doc file of this post can be downloaded here

Selasa, 27 Oktober 2009



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uses crt;
var a,b:longint; j:char;
begin clrscr;
write('masukkan sebuah bilangan yang sama atau lebih besar dari 2 : '); readln(a);
if a<2 then writeln('Maaf, bilangan yang dimasukkan tidak sesuai dengan permintaan program');
if a=2 then writeln('2 merupakan bilangan prima');
for b:=2 to a-1 do
if a mod b = 0 then
writeln(a,' bukan bilangan prima'); b:=a-1;
end else
if b=a-1 then writeln(a,' merupakan bilangan prima');

Minggu, 11 Oktober 2009

belajar buat tabel


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Baris ke2 kolom ke 2


Baris ke 3 kolom ke 2

Jumat, 09 Oktober 2009

Diawali dengan basmalah

Assalamu 'alaikum Warahmatullah Wabarakatuh,

Sekilas tentang saya, saya adalah seorang lelaki berkebangsaan Indonesia yang telah mencicipi pendidikan di Perguruan Tinggi sejak tahun 2005 (juga merupakan tahun kelulusanku dari SMA). Jadi sampai saat ini saya masih berstatus sebagai seorang mahasiswa di salah satu Perguruan Tinggi Negeri di Indonesia .

Seberapa jauh kenal dengan dunia internet?

Daftar Isi

asdkjfhkadsjfdsfdsfdsfjdsfk hdskjfh kdsjfhkjs adhfkjash dkjfh sadkjfh kadsjfh kjladshf kjladshf hdskjf hadskjhfkj ashdfkljh dsakjfh sdhfkl jadshfkjl hadskjf hkdsjlhf kjdshlkhkadshf kjhdsfjkhdskfj hkjdgshksdhgkjdshf kjhdsfkj hasdkjfh kjasdhf kjasdhfaskdjfh adsjghasdkjl asdfh s adsjh dsfh sdhkldshf hkasfh kladshf khsdkf hasdfkj hdsakhfkjldshf shdj fhsadk fjhkjdshf kjadshf dshaf kadshfk jhdsalfk hadslfh ldsjfh dskjfh kjdshf kjldshfkjl dshf klhsdklajhfdsk ajhfadskjhfdskajfh kjdsfhksjdfh kjash dfkjhdsk aljhfskadhf sjd


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