

Selasa, 18 Mei 2010

Pembahasan Kalkulus dan Geometri Analitis Edwin J. Purcell Soal 1.1


Minggu, 09 Mei 2010

Equation editor di microsoft word 2007

Cara memunculkan equation editor di microsoft word 2007:

  1. Pada menu utama pilih Insert, kemudian pilih Object

  2. Pada tab Create New pilih Microsoft Equation 3.0

Semoga Bermanfaat.............!!! ^_^__^_^

Jumat, 05 Maret 2010

inggris - indonesia - abjad - G

groundwork: (kata benda): dasar
contoh: Isaac Newwton lay groundwork for most of classical mechanics

inggris - indonesia - abjad - L

lay: (kata kerja): meletakkan
contoh: Isaac Newton lay groundwork for most of classical mechanics

inggris - indonesia - abjad - I

influential: (kata sifat): yang berpengaruh
contoh: Isaac Newton is one of most influential men in human history

inggris - indonesia - abjad - S

scholar: (kata benda): sarjana
contoh: Isaac Newton is considered by many scholars

inggris - indonesia - abjad - T

theologian: (kata benda): teolog, ahli ilmu agama
contoh: Sir Isaac Newton was an English physicist, mathematician, astronomer, natural philosopher, alchemist, and theologian

Minggu, 31 Januari 2010

english for 2nd post

Algorithm and examination program a number, is the number including a prime number or not

Look Aminah together Amin
Say Bismillah before begin

Hhhmm, we know that a prime number is a number which is not residual zero if devided by numbers instead 1 and it self, for example like this:
  • 7 is a prime number, because 7 only residual zero if devided by numbers 1 and it self
  • 11 is a prime number, because 11 only residual zero if devided by numbers 1 and it self
  • 8 is not prime number, because instead devided by numbers 1 and 8 self, 8 also residual zero if devided by number 2 and 4
  • 15 is not prime number, because instead devided by numbers 1 and 15 self, 15 also residual zero if devided by 3 and 5

Wah, this is just basic theory about what is definition of prime number, understand? understand ya.........? fortunately, if understand we will continue

For example a is number will be examined, is prime number or not, then:
  • a is a prime number if and only if a is not residual zero if devided by numbers instead 1 and a self,
  • Statement above can be written as follow: a is a prime number if and only if a is not residual zero if devided by numbers 2, 3, ..., a-1
  • If we suppose that b = 2, 3, ..., a, then its mean a is a prime number if and only if a mod b = 0 (we continue again yach......)

Before make program, first we will make the algorithm, number will be entered certain fulfill one of three conditions below:
  1. The number will be entered smaller than 2 (a < 2)
  2. The number will be entered is 2 (a = 2)
  3. The number will be entered larger than 2 (a > 2)

For number which smaller than 2, has certain is not prime number, because the prime number started form 2, and for number which larger than 2, then need to next examination, is the number prime number or not, so be obtained algorithm as follow:

If the algorithm above we write in Turbo Pascal Programming Language, then will be obtained syntax as follow, the syntax like what ya? like code below...

uses crt;
var a,b: longint;
begin clrscr;
writeln('This program will ask input a number to know is the number prime number or not');
writeln(#10); write('input a number: '); readln(a);
if a<2 then writeln(a,' has certain is not prime number, because prime number started from 2');
if a=2 then writeln(a,' is a prime number');
for b:=2 to a-1 do
if a mod b = 0 then
writeln(#10); writeln(a,' is a prime number');
end else
if b=a-1 then
writeln(#10); writeln(a,' is not prime number');
readln end.
huh the finally finish,

For friend who want the pascal file or .pas extension file can download it here, so that don’t need to rewrite in Turbo Pascal program, hehe, ^_^

Result from examination a number pascal programming, prime or not is a application or .exe file which can be downloaded here

The .doc file of this post can be downloaded here
accept my creation, thank you

Jumat, 08 Januari 2010

Tulisan yang ingin dibuat berwarna-warni


Daftar Isi

asdkjfhkadsjfdsfdsfdsfjdsfk hdskjfh kdsjfhkjs adhfkjash dkjfh sadkjfh kadsjfh kjladshf kjladshf hdskjf hadskjhfkj ashdfkljh dsakjfh sdhfkl jadshfkjl hadskjf hkdsjlhf kjdshlkhkadshf kjhdsfjkhdskfj hkjdgshksdhgkjdshf kjhdsfkj hasdkjfh kjasdhf kjasdhfaskdjfh adsjghasdkjl asdfh s adsjh dsfh sdhkldshf hkasfh kladshf khsdkf hasdfkj hdsakhfkjldshf shdj fhsadk fjhkjdshf kjadshf dshaf kadshfk jhdsalfk hadslfh ldsjfh dskjfh kjdshf kjldshfkjl dshf klhsdklajhfdsk ajhfadskjhfdskajfh kjdsfhksjdfh kjash dfkjhdsk aljhfskadhf sjd


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